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How can I move to Canada as a Nigerian? 

Candidates in Nigeria looking to immigrate to Canada have over 80 possible pathways to Canadian immigration open to them. This is provided they qualify under one of the over 80 immigration pathways. There are currently over 42,000 Nigerians in Canada. In 2021, over 15,000 Nigerians were granted permanent residency in Canada. We will introduce some of the most popular pathways favorable to Nigerian nationals. 


This is the most popular pathway under the Canadian express entry. Candidates from Nigeria who do not wish to immigrate via the study route should consider this path. This program is open to people with professional work experience who which to immigrate to Canada with or without a Canadian job offer. To immigrate to Canada through the FSWP route, candidates must show evidence of work experience, good educational background, and language skills.

Candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • One year of continuous full-time or equivalent paid work experience within the last 10 years before application. Work experience must be in a skilled occupation classified under the National Occupational Classification (NOC); skill level 0, A, or B.
  • Validated language ability, 7 in English or French across all abilities (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Must be equivalent to the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
  • Score at least 67 points on IRCC’s six immigration selection factors.
  • Prove that you have enough money for you or your family to settle in Canada.
  • Canadian educational credential (certificate, diploma, or degree) or foreign credential and Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report.


PNP is another option for people from Nigeria looking to immigrate to Canada. Provinces and territories are accorded the opportunity to design their own immigration pathway. Most provinces decide on this based on their economic and demographic needs. Many provinces and territories in Canada offer PNP to skilled workers who wish to immigrate to Canada. Candidates will be given permanent residency in these provinces.

Provided they meet the eligibility requirements, Nigerians can apply to move to Canada through the PNP route. Those who enter the express entry pool can also be invited to apply for nomination by a province. Getting a provincial nomination means an additional  600 CRS points for the candidate. An invitation to apply for permanent residence during the express entry draw is sure for such a candidate. Nigerian nationals should consider this immigration route. Click on the link to know your eligibility for this. 


Nigerians with work experience as business owners or managers can apply for permanent residency through this route. Could be a federal or a provincial business immigration program. Nigerians with experience in this field qualify for both. These programs require a significant investment in the company or business you intend to start in Canada. Many PNPs require a lower investment for candidates interested in starting a business in a less populated area. Depending on the kind of regional entrepreneur programs they have. Candidates from Nigeria looking to immigrate to Canada through this route must be able to proof that they have notable experience in business. To know your eligibility, talk to a consultant. 


For this pathway, having a qualifying family member that is a permanent resident or a citizen of Canada. This is another easy way for citizens of Nigeria to immigrate to Canada. Canada’s plan for this year is to welcome 105,000 new permanent residents through family sponsorship programs. In Canada, there are several that gives citizens and permanent residents to bring their family over to Canada. The time for processing a sponsorship application depends solely on the sponsoring family member. For spousal sponsorship route, the applications take 12 months for processing. Nigerians can also apply through this pathway if they have a child, grandchild or spouse with Canadian PR or citizenship.

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Author Chinwe

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