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When applying for a multiple-entry Schengen visa in 2024, Germany is the top choice to consider. The data reflects Germany’s consistent efficiency, high approval rates, and robust infrastructure to handle visa applications. Whether you are a frequent traveller, a business professional, or someone planning extended stays in Europe, understanding the advantages of choosing Germany can significantly enhance your travel experience. This article delves into why Germany remains the best option for obtaining a multiple-entry Schengen visa, supported by the latest data and expert insights.

Why Germany for a Multiple-Entry Schengen Visa?

Germany’s position as the best option for obtaining a multiple-entry Schengen visa shows several compelling reasons. With a streamlined application process, efficient handling of visa requests, and a high success rate, Germany offers numerous advantages to visa applicants.

Streamlined Application Process

Germany is known for its efficient and organized visa application process. The country has established a user-friendly system that minimizes the hassle for applicants. From easy-to-navigate online forms to well-organized consular services, Germany ensures a smooth application experience.

Robust Infrastructure

Germany’s well-developed infrastructure plays a crucial role in handling visa applications efficiently. With numerous consulates and visa application centres worldwide, Germany provides easy access and support to applicants.

Frequent Traveler Benefits

For frequent travellers, a multiple-entry Schengen visa issued by Germany offers unparalleled convenience. The visa allows for multiple entries into the Schengen area, making it ideal for business professionals, tourists, and anyone needing to travel frequently within Europe.

Understanding the Multiple-Entry Schengen Visa

A multiple-entry Schengen visa allows travellers to enter and exit the Schengen area multiple times within the validity period. This type of visa is particularly beneficial for those who need to travel frequently for business or personal reasons.

Validity Period

The validity period of a multiple-entry Schengen visa can vary. It typically ranges from one to five years, depending on the applicant’s travel history and the discretion of the issuing consulate.

Application Requirements

The requirements for a multiple-entry Schengen visa are generally consistent across Schengen countries, but Germany has specific guidelines that applicants must follow. These include proof of travel insurance, a valid passport, a completed application form, and evidence of sufficient financial means.

Application Process

The application process for a multiple-entry Schengen visa involves several steps:

  • Filling out the application form: Applicants must complete the online visa application form.
  • Gathering required documents: Necessary documents include a valid passport, travel insurance, proof of accommodation, and financial statements.
  • Scheduling an appointment: Applicants must schedule an appointment at a German consulate or visa application centre.
  • Attending the appointment: During the appointment, applicants will submit their documents, provide biometric data, and attend an interview if required.
Processing Time

The processing time for a multiple-entry Schengen visa can vary. However, Germany is known for its efficient processing, with most visas out within 15 days of the application date.

Advantages of a Multiple-Entry Schengen Visa from Germany

Obtaining a multiple-entry Schengen visa from Germany offers numerous advantages, making it the best option for travellers in 2024.

Ease of Travel

With a multiple-entry Schengen visa, travellers can move freely within the 27 Schengen countries without additional visas. This ease of travel is particularly beneficial for business professionals and frequent travellers.


The flexibility offered by a multiple-entry visa is unmatched. Travelers can plan their trips without worrying about visa restrictions or the need for frequent renewals.

Extended Stays

A multiple-entry visa allows for extended stays in the Schengen area. Travelers can stay up to 90 days within 180 days, providing ample time for business, tourism, or visiting family and friends.


While the initial cost of obtaining a multiple-entry visa might be higher than a single-entry visa, the long-term benefits and savings make it a cost-effective choice. Travelers save on visa fees, application processes, and potential travel disruptions.

Germany’s Visa Success Rates

Germany’s high visa success rates demonstrate its efficient handling of visa applications. According to the latest data, Germany consistently ranks among the top Schengen countries with the highest approval rates for multiple-entry visas. Despite being the second most sought-after Schengen Area destination, Germany still has a high rate of multiple-entry visa issuance, as newly released Schengen Visa Statistics show that 90.4 of visas issued by the German consulates in 2023 were multiple-entry.

Last year, Germany received 1,459,560 visa applications and approved 1,233,561 of them. Out of the approved visas, 1,115,424 allowed for multiple entries.

Statistical Overview

Recent statistics highlight some of the reasons Germany is the best choice:

  • Approval Rate: Germany’s approval rate for multiple-entry Schengen visas is over 90%, significantly higher than many other Schengen countries.
  • Application Volume: Germany handles multiple visa applications annually, demonstrating its capability and efficiency.
  • Rejection Rate: At the same time, Germany has a lower visa rejection rate than the EU average and a lower rate than it had in 2022.

Other Schengen Countries With High Issuance Rates of Multiple-Entry Visas

Did you know that besides Germany, several other Schengen Area countries issue more multiple-entry visas? Last year, 2023, Austria was second on the list, issuing 75.7% of its visas for multiple entries. That year, Austrian consulates abroad received 229,613 visa applications and approved 194,273, with 147,021 being multiple-entry visas. In 2022, Austria also had a high approval rate of 74.9% out of 125,275 visas granted, ranking fourth in the list.

The third country with the highest share of MEVs in 2023 was Italy. It granted multiple entry visas to 70.2 per cent of beneficiaries (680,794 out of 970,073).

Other countries are:

  • Switzerland – 69.1 per cent out of 506,499 applications approved
  • Greece – 66.1 per cent of 521,825 applications approved
  • Croatia – 62 per cent of 29,785 visas granted

In 2022, Slovenia and Estonia were the top countries for issuing multiple-entry visas, with rates of 81.6% and 81.3%, respectively. However, in 2023, these rates dropped significantly to 59.7% for Slovenia and 60% for Estonia.

Countries With Lowest Chances of Getting a Multiple Entry Schengen Visa

Last year, the issuance of multiple-entry Schengen visas dropped among member states compared to the previous year. In 2022, 58.1% of the visas granted were multiple-entry, but this number dropped to 54.2% in 2023. Consequently, few visas issued in 2023 allowed for multiple entries. Moreover, travellers in 2023 faced the lowest chances of obtaining a multiple-entry visa from the following countries:

  1. Finland – 21.3 per cent
  2. Norway – 22.6 per cent
  3. Sweden – 25.7 per cent
  4. Spain – 27.2 per cent

Tips for a Successful Visa Application

To increase your chances of obtaining a multiple-entry Schengen visa from Germany, follow these tips:

Prepare Thoroughly

Ensure that all required documents are complete and accurate. Double-check the application form and gather all necessary supporting documents.

Provide Clear Evidence

Provide evidence of your travel purpose, financial means, and accommodation arrangements. Detailed documentation can strengthen your application.

Follow Guidelines

Adhere to the guidelines provided by the German consulate. Ensure that your application meets all requirements and that you attend your appointment as scheduled.

Seek Assistance

If needed, seek assistance from visa consultants or travel agencies. They can provide valuable guidance and help you navigate the application process.

Be Honest

Provide honest and accurate information in your application. Any discrepancies or false information can lead to visa rejection.


Germany remains the best option for obtaining a multiple-entry Schengen visa in 2024. With high approval rates, a streamlined application process, and numerous advantages for travellers, Germany stands out as the top choice. Whether you are a frequent traveller or planning an extended stay in Europe, choosing Germany for your Schengen visa needs ensures a smooth and efficient experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is a multiple-entry Schengen visa? A multiple-entry Schengen visa allows travellers to enter and exit the Schengen area multiple times within the visa’s validity period.
  2. How long is a multiple-entry Schengen visa valid? The validity period can range from one to five years, depending on the applicant’s travel history and the discretion of the issuing consulate. Read more.
  3. What are the main requirements for a multiple-entry Schengen visa from Germany? Requirements include a valid passport, travel insurance, proof of accommodation, financial statements, and a completed application form.
  4. How long does it take to process a multiple-entry Schengen visa from Germany? The processing time typically takes around 15 days from the application date.
  5. What is the approval rate for multiple-entry Schengen visas from Germany? Germany has a high approval rate, with over 90% approval for multiple-entry visa applications.
  6. Can I extend my stay with a multiple-entry Schengen visa? Yes, you can stay up to 90 days within 180 days with a multiple-entry Schengen visa.

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Author Chinwe

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